You have taken up tango or want to boost your skills as an advanced social dancer? My focus as a teacher is on communication, improvisation and musicality. I also give orchestra seminars and offer bodywork based on yoga, spiral dynamics and other movement techniques.
I offer:
- Group workshops, classes and intensive trainings worldwide: I mostly work with my teaching partner Detlef Engel. (Check out our site and shop.) But I dance both roles and am therefore also available for workshops on my own or with an assistant who has graduated from our Tango-Teacher-Training. You can invite me to your community or visit one of the workshops that I organise – either in my hometown Saarbrücken (Germany) or for a retreat in a beautiful location.
- Private classes and trainings: Single private classes can take place in our studio in Saarbrücken (Germany) or during my/our travels as teachers or DJ. I am also available for intensive private trainings at whatever location is convenient for you.
- Private coaching: Together, we evaluate your skills, set a learning goal and develop a training plan. I can also assist you in finding appropriate local teachers or international workshops as well as training partners.
For further information and prices, please contact me.
Melina’s 10 Minutes
Ladies‘ Retreats and Seminars
Intensive work for and with women together with Ramona Steckermeier or Varavara Kountouzi. Please contact me, if you are interested in inviting us for a weekend.
Do you want to be a follower or a dancer?

In our seminars, we work on your skills in both roles. We explore balance and technique, we discover ways to communicate more actively and to develop musicality. There is always time for bodywork and discussions about topics like: How can we increase our pleasure in the dance? How can we progress without a partner? We want women to make active choices based on a deeper understanding of this beautiful dance.
About my partners:
Ramona and Varvara are wonderful dancers who are – like me – proficient in both roles. Both have graduated from our Tango-Teacher-Training and have been teaching for many years.
We offer basic seminars and follow-ups in which we dive deeper into the mysteries of body-work, musicality and leading. The duration of the weekend-seminars is usually 9-12 hours, the retreats have 20 hours of classes.
We teach in English, German or French depending on the participants and the location of the class.
Ladies‘ Retreat:
Join me and Varvara for a week in Burgundy, France. Full immersion from September 7–14, 2024. Learn more about it here.